guide to surviving the haze

Entrepreneurs and activists have asserted the importance of sustainability to improve forest management. What is sustainable forest management?

Sustainable forest management refers to the management of forest resources to meet environmental, social and economic needs of today’s society, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This includes careful planning of inventory and evaluation of goals to ensure that they are aligned with stakeholders’ cause and maintains forests’ health.

Why are these important to a developing country such as Indonesia? According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Indonesia holds a world economic ranking of 16. As of 2012, 29.6 out of 246.9 million are living below the poverty line. This figure is equal to the population of Malaysia!

Sustainable forest management enables jobs and infrastructure to be created for the local community, contributing to the country’s growth. Moreover, in the case of Indonesia, the country has a competitive advantage in forest. According to an article by The Jakarta Post, Indonesia was placed as the first paper exporter in ASEAN and sixth in the world with US$5.6 million in exports per year.

So, how do private companies help local communities through sustainable forest management?

In essence, there are six main concepts.

  1. Land Concessions
  2. Forest Certification
  3. Responsible Harvesting
  4. Forest Preservation
  5. Landscape Restoration
  6. Local Community Engagement

Also, local communities are a significant component of sustainable forest management. Most importantly, building a strong working relationship guided by the principles of inclusivity, transparency, mutual learning and shared goals can result in a successful long-term engagement.
