
Wonders of Durian

Love it or hate it, durian is widely referred to as Southeast Asia’s King of Fruit! Native to the islands of Borneo, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and commercially found in Thailand, it is thought to be one of the most ancient and primitive fruits enjoyed for millions of years. In fact, some botanists believe that Durian ancestors are one of the first plants to evolve into woody trees. Not only that, they are thought as the earliest plants to rely on animals for seed dispersal, enticing them through the fleshy fruit.

Facts about Durian

The smell of the fruit is always up for debate. To some, it carries a distinct, pungent odour. It is so pervasive that in some Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, durian is banned from major public spaces and hotels!

The durian is easily identifiable due to its green or brownish husk covered with sharp, prickly thorns. Beyond it is the flesh: pale-yellow and falls in the category of acquired tastes. For many Western travellers, the flesh is regarded as the “blue cheese of fruit”. But to many natives of Southeast Asia, it carries an onion-custard flavour: soft, sweet, succulent and simply delicious!

Regardless, the fruit is highly nutritious, packed with antioxidants and vitamins. When consumed moderately, durian can be a healthy addition to your diet. Here’s a look at some facts and lesser-known benefits.
